Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wish I Was A Poet!

Really. I wish I was a poet! I could have truly absorbed the genuine feelings of these fallen leaves. I could have shared it better with you. They looked lush green and shining till few days ago.  This is new theme of none. Yes we know that. Many poets have used their imagination and creativity to reflect these in several languages and forms.

Now I am saying this without any colors.

I think fall is the most conspicuous season where we see a true change in colors. Green leaves turn in to  yellow, orange and so before they finally touch the grown to be blown away. What more visual we need to reflect with our own life.

Fallen Leaves - True Reflection of Real Life

Today, I miss my father so much.  No matter those several years spent with him, things we did for each other and how rich he made the life it really feels like not enough. Whatever we do for elders and loved ones is without boundaries and sky limits. These leaves reflect on him. Life and nature provide real visuals of these in front of us every day. Wish these things are realized deeply on time and act!