Monday, March 30, 2009


I have been posed this question a number of times. I have even seen this topic gaining centre stage at social gatherings. Ever since I have been trying to find an answer until I reached the Great ‘BG’.

Are you dependent on someone? Is someone dependent on you? If that is the case then both will be very dear to each other. However, one’s value and situation can change this from ages (periods of time). Best way to validate this is to go back to last ten years and do a thorough review.

If there is someone who has great control over his mind, discipline and constantly works hard to maintain this stature, he or she will be dear to everyone. Everyone one will be dear to this person also. It is easier said than done! One’s dedication, determination and continuous toil can get it closer.

According to me, this is the origin and essence of the concept ‘Role Model’.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Deep Roots

Tall, Well grown and Strong trees have deep roots! It has power to withstand any external pressures. Same applies to individuals and organizations made of group of individuals.

I always make this point to my younger friends. Look at how deep you can grow your roots before worrying about the colorful flowers or yum yum fruits you can enjoy from it. "We have the right to perform our duties but not to look at the fruits!"

All successful personalities and enterprises have strong deep roots. According to me, One's smartness and efforts should be to identify this invisible strength and understand what is not communicated often. Those will belong to the intelligent of all!

Enjoy the bright day

Monday, March 9, 2009

It is all about Green!

It is all about Green! Going green.
Green IT, Green Energy, Green Datacenter, Smart Grid..

Great direction for us!