Friday, December 30, 2011

Discovery Unlimited

One more game is going to be over. 2011.

It has been a journey with mixed experiences, personally for me. I assume that most of you have had a wonderful year.

Every year towards its end provides us warm experiences to discover ourselves. We have several relationships in personal and professional lives. 

Remember you are on stage. How have we done as a son, brother, daughter, sister, father, mother or husband/wife? How has it been as a colleague, subordinate, boss, leader, mentor and chief?   Use audience feedback if it helps.

Celebrate the Unlimited Discovery
There were many emotional backlashes, confusion and big surprises? We know it better.  It is just a natural thing in practical life. These are fine as long as intend and efforts were good.

Hard to measure though it seemed simple right? Well, this is the essence and driving force behind human life. We have the ability to measure, analyze and rationalize so well. Human beings have the innate drive for the corrective measures. The more we discover ourselves the more we improve in the next game.

Another game is going to start in couple of days. 2012. We need to welcome it.  We can better do it because we are well learned and thoughtful.

I take this opportunity to desire our aspirations fly high for great discovery of ourselves. That is the key to buoyancy and triumph.

Wish you and your loved ones Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. God Bless.


  1. Like the positive attitude that we are improved and more knowledgeable for the next year. Happy New Year to you too, Hari!

    -Naveen A.

  2. Thank you. Wish you continued discovery and happiness!
